Category Archives: Family Camp

3rd Q&A, Session #3, Michigan Camp 2021

Recording from Michigan Camp 2021.


  1. When sickness or tiredness makes it impossible the whole family to make it to night meeting, is it better:
    A) To split up the family and one parent to take those who can go, or
    B) To stay home together as a family and maybe have a time of reading and prayer together instead?
  2. When the Lord comes to take us home, will the people we know work/work for (who aren’t believers) know that we went to heaven?
  3. I’m into politics. Is that bad? Should I stop?
  4. In the Lord’s supper, should there be only one cup and one plate passed around, on the basis of only one cup being spoken of in the gospels. Also, is the unity of the body seen in the cup and in the broken bread, or is it only seen in the unbroken loaf.
  5. What order to look at scriptures to understand prophecy?

Right-click to download: 3rd Q&A, Session #3