6th Q&A, Session #6, Michigan Camp 2022

Recording from Michigan Camp 2022.


  1. What is the biblical definition of gossip? Is sharing news or information gossip? Is there a scriptural example to help define it? Is it still ok to confirm facts before acting? Can it only be discussed with the subject(s)? Is motive a factor?
  2. Can a Christian make a vow such as the Hippocratic Oath, Iron Ring Vow, or any other promise to man?
  3. Does God predestine everything to happen that happens? Everything from the holocaust to the beetle in the beetle’s hole. Certainly, He knows the end from the beginning, but did he decide all these things?
  4. As a Christian, I desire to have a relationship with the Lord, but I find I consistently keep failing in my spiritual walk with the Lord. Small things in my daily life can make me very discouraged. I know these are things Satan is trying to throw at me to make me fail … but how do I combat these things?

Right-click to download: 6th Q&A, Session #6